1 ){ $message = wordwrap($message,70); //$to = "alyssa@elitelasercreations.com"; $too = "kwdamp@gmail.com"; $subject = "SpamFiltered: Elite Laser Creations Contact"; $headers = "From: Elite Laser Creations \r\nReply-to: $contactname <$contactemail>"; // send email //mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers, '-falyssa@elitelasercreations.com'); //mail($too,$subject,$message,$headers, '-falyssa@elitelasercreations.com'); $contact = '

It appears you are submitting your message using an automated service we do not allow.
If you beleive you are seeing this message in error, please check your submission to confirm you\'ve entered your name, a message and a valid email address.

'; } else if ($contactname && $message && !filter_var($contactemail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false){ $message = wordwrap($message,70); $to = "alyssa@elitelasercreations.com"; $too = "kwdamp@gmail.com"; $subject = "Elite Laser Creations Contact"; $headers = "From: Elite Laser Creations \r\nReply-to: $contactname <$contactemail>"; // send email mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers, '-falyssa@elitelasercreations.com'); mail($too,$subject,$message,$headers, '-falyssa@elitelasercreations.com'); $contact = '

Thank you for your message, we\'ll respond as soon as possible!

'; } else { $contact = '

Please check your submission to confirm you\'ve entered your name, a message and a valid email address.

'; } } else { $contact = '

Please provide us with your contact information and let us know what we can do for you!

'; } ?> Elite Laser Creations

Contact Elite Laser Creations

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